I think this is that time of year... all those fertile people who got knocked up over the holidays are coming out of the woodworks announcing their pregnancies... would be hitting about 8-12 weeks right around now... ugh...
I'm 28 and Dh & I have been married for 3 years now. We have been TTC since October 2006. We spent the first 18 months thinking things would happen when they were meant to happen. After 18 months and a few friends discovering that things were not all peachy in reproductive land we decided to seek out the assistance of a RE. This is my way of venting and sharing that baby-making is not as easy as its cracked up to be.
February 2009 - Fourth cycle assisted TTC. Same method as January. Six mature follices... still waiting for results
January 2009 - Upped Clomid dosage to 150mg. Third cycle assisted TTC, upped the game to IUI (FSP specifically). Got three mature follicles. (results: big fat colossal failure)
December 2008 - Here we go again. Second cycle of TTC w/assistance. Same process as November. (results: sorry, you're not a winner. please try again).
November 2008 - First cycle of TTC w/assistance. 100mg Clomid, HSG trigger shot, & monitoring ultrasound. (results: negative)
October 2008 - System reset, but travelling during key week, so took the month off of TTC.
September 2008 - Waiting for system to "reset" after miscarriage.
August 2008 - BFP! (positive pregnancy test) Started bleeding day after we found out. Multiple blood tests, hcg levels 13, then 30, peaks at 50 and then declines. Miscarriage.
July 2008 - HSG test - normal, appear to have no blockages; DH has SA done - concentration & motility above average; morphology at 9% (14%+ = normal).
June 2008 - Appt w/RE. Discuss history and get action plan.
May 2008 - Starting to think something might not be right so make an appt with RE.
December 2006-April 2008 - enjoying life, not taking any extraordinary measures, the occasionally cycle monitoring, but generally speaking just let things go naturally.
November 2006 - not pregnant. Ok - no biggie.
October 2006 - tossed the birth control. Thought for sure we would get pregnant on our one year anniversary in November.
Ah, man. The husband friends pregnancy after going off BCP so soon AND the SIL? I'm so sorry.
I really hope it goes well for you this week.
That sucks!!! Hang in there(((HUGS)))
good grief! Is everyone around us gonna get pregnant before we do???
Man, this sucks!
Big hugs!
I think this is that time of year... all those fertile people who got knocked up over the holidays are coming out of the woodworks announcing their pregnancies... would be hitting about 8-12 weeks right around now... ugh...
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