February 25, 2009

Angry South Pole Elf

I was an angry angry south pole elf today. I don't know what crawled up my yoohoo and died but I was in a pissy ass mood today and nobody was going to say anything that was going to make me feel better...

Test day is still three days away. Haven't had any real noticeable symptoms that might give a clue as to what's going on. Had some cramps last week... a few this week (but that's been done before); and other than this moodiness today I feel fine.

Thankfully I felt better as soon as I got home from work. I think work is starting to stress me - I find that I have a shorter temper with the idiotic things that my coworkers sometimes do and then I have to go and fix it. The problem is that I don't express my frustration with them to them directly... I bottle it all up and then rant and rave in the privacy of my office. *sigh* I need to find a healthier outlet.


Sarah said...

My fingers are crossed for you hun!! You STILL havent tested?! I am so proud of you. You're definitely a stronger woman than I.

Jenn said...

I can't believe it myself! I think I just can't handle the disappointment and then try to act normal all day at work... going to save the fun for the weekend.

Sarah said...

Soooooo....how'd it go? I've been waiting to read something, but so far.....

Hope all is well

Jenn said...

Sarah - Drop me an email (link under About Me)... I don't really feel like blogging lately...

WhatAboutNovember said...

Where did you go?